Post Tagged with: "STEPin2"

U.S. melanoma rates keep rising

U.S. melanoma rates keep rising

U.S. melanoma rates keep rising, and related deaths have been increasing for the last decades, according to a recent study. Despite preventive efforts, melanoma rates have not gone down, and researchers now estimate that one in 54 Americans will develop invasive melanoma. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation: “Physicians have […]

by January 4, 2017
Immune-boosting roasted pepper soup

Immune-boosting roasted pepper soup

This immune-boosting roasted pepper soup is the perfect, comforting recipe to keep your body fighting during the winter, which is peak cold and flu season. Souping is the new juicing. We love soups because they warm the soul, especially during the colder part of the year. All the nutritious ingredients […]

by January 3, 2017
The scary way lack of sleep affects your gut

The scary way lack of sleep affects your gut

When you understand the scary way lack of sleep affects your gut, you will realize why sleep should become more of a priority in your life, if it isn’t already. At first, the thought of a little less sleep affecting your digestive tract doesn’t seem that serious, but it really […]

by December 30, 2016
Can leafy greens protect the brain from aging?

Can leafy greens protect the brain from aging?

Can leafy greens protect the brain from aging? Most leafy green vegetables are part of the cruciferous family. Health experts have touted the benefits of leafy greens for years. They are truly nature’s potent multi-vitamins. Eating them on a regular basis will get you a good amount of vitamin A, […]

by December 29, 2016
Huge 10 year study has linked soda to heart attack and stroke

Huge 10 year study has linked soda to heart attack and stroke

A huge 10 year study has linked soda to heart attack and stroke. Soda has been a controversial subject lately, causing the world’s leading health experts to plead for a tax on the sugary, health detrimental drink. Soda has been shown to increase weight gain, and the high fructose corn […]

by December 25, 2016
Costco is buying acres of farmland for organic farmers

Costco is buying acres of farmland for organic farmers

Costco is buying acres of farmland for organic farmers, and we want to bring all the details to you. But first, it’s time to answer the question that everybody wants to know: are grass-fed and organic foods really worth it? According to an analysis from Consumer Reports, some organic foods […]

by December 24, 2016
Do you have ‘text neck’ posture?

Do you have ‘text neck’ posture?

Do you have ‘text neck’ posture? Pretty much everybody has a smart phone nowadays. These devices can be very engrossing and many people refer to those glued to their smart phones as ‘zombies.’ Health experts are now suspecting that overuse of smart phones can lead to poor posture, as they […]

by December 23, 2016
Want to reduce breast cancer risk? Chili peppers may be the answer

Want to reduce breast cancer risk? Chili peppers may be the answer

Do you want to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer? Chili peppers may be the answer. New research from Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany shows that a compound in chili peppers may fight breast cancer. Other than skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in American […]

by December 22, 2016