Post Tagged with: "STEPin2"

Gluten-free sweet potato brownies

Gluten-free sweet potato brownies

These  gluten-free sweet potato brownies are the perfect way to indulge without all the unnecessary chemicals and additives. Sweet potatoes are a great alternative to refined white flours, which has been shown to increase the risk of obesity, especially because it is easy to overeat. Flours also contain gluten, of […]

by February 12, 2017
Hundreds of reasons to drink more green tea

Hundreds of reasons to drink more green tea

Since it is one of our favorite beverages of all time, we are giving you hundreds of reasons to drink more green tea, one of nature’s pure medicines. There’s nothing like a hot cup of green tea to get you through a long stressful day. It has a way of […]

by February 11, 2017
Valentine’s breakfast in bed avocado shrimp wrap

Valentine’s breakfast in bed avocado shrimp wrap

We can’t think of a better way to wake up your special someone than this Valentine’s breakfast in bed avocado shrimp wrap. Breakfast is considered by many experts to be the most important meal of the day. The traditional American breakfast is usually highly processed and full of trans fats […]

by February 10, 2017
World’s first study showing that diet treats major depression

World’s first study showing that diet treats major depression

The world’s first study showing that diet treats major depression has been conducted and released by Deakin University. Until recently, mental health was almost too taboo to talk about. Thankfully, it is starting to be recognized as a very important aspect of overall health, and people are starting to open up […]

by February 9, 2017
Are baby carrots as healthy as regular ones?

Are baby carrots as healthy as regular ones?

Are baby carrots as healthy as regular ones? Experts have debated the healthiness of this product. Let’s settle the argument once and for all. Carrots have been a popular snack for ages. They require basically no preparation, and are great with dips because of their sweet, delicious flavor. Baby carrots […]

by February 7, 2017
Marijuana helps heal and strengthen broken bones

Marijuana helps heal and strengthen broken bones

Marijuana helps heal and strengthen broken bones, according to the latest research conducted by Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University. Medical marijuana is increasing in popularity as a treatment for many conditions, including eating disorders, cancers, and pain. It is becoming legal in more and more states. With marijuana being […]

by February 6, 2017
Antibiotics in meat continue to rise despite promises

Antibiotics in meat continue to rise despite promises

Antibiotics in meat continue to rise despite promises, according to the latest FDA statistics, reported by NPR’s The Salt. The overuse of antibiotics is now an epidemic in the United States and it is creating antibiotic resistance. They are prescribed for almost everything. The issue with taking too many antibiotics […]

by February 5, 2017
Powerful energy boosting kale and date smoothie

Powerful energy boosting kale and date smoothie

This powerful energy boosting kale and date smoothie is the perfect drink to start your morning in a healthy and invigorating way. Fruits and vegetables can give you more energy than any of those traditional heavy, high carb breakfasts. Smoothies are a great addition to your morning meal, as they […]

by February 4, 2017