Post Tagged with: "STEPin2"

Credit: © svenaw / Fotolia

Eating grapes may reverse lung aging

Eating grapes may reverse lung aging, according to research from The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. “We believe that ours is the first study to demonstrate a beneficial effect of lung-directed resveratrol treatments on aging lung function,” said lead author Barbara Driscoll, PhD. Resveratrol (RSL), a chemical […]

by February 24, 2017
Potent blood cleansing beet carrot juice

Potent blood cleansing beet carrot juice

This potent blood cleansing beet carrot juice is packed with healthy foods that are known to help build amazing blood and supply fresh oxygen to the body. Beets come in a variety of colors, from red, white to gold. They are a root vegetable, much like carrots, and have a […]

by February 23, 2017
Vegetables are better than drugs for the kidneys

Vegetables are better than drugs for the kidneys

Vegetables are better than drugs for the kidneys, according to brand new research to be presented at the American Heart Association blood pressure meeting. Our kidneys play an extremely vital role in our health. They remove waste products and excess fluid from our bodies through our urine. According to the […]

by February 22, 2017
How does eating less slow down aging?

How does eating less slow down aging?

How does eating less slow down aging? Eating smaller portions doesn’t just help you lose weight – it can do so much more for your health. There are so many products out there with promises of younger looking skin and less wrinkles. The truth is, true anti-aging comes from within. […]

by February 21, 2017
Gum and candy additive damages digestive cells

Gum and candy additive damages digestive cells

A gum and candy additive damages digestive cells, according to research from Binghamton University, State University of New York. The researchers exposed an intestinal culture to the equivalent of a meal’s worth of titanium oxide, an additive often used in many things from chewing gum to bread. Although smaller exposures […]

by February 20, 2017
Fast food: Just one high fat meal can hurt metabolism

Fast food: Just one high fat meal can hurt metabolism

Just one high fat meal can hurt metabolism, according to the latest research from the German Diabetes Center. The researchers found that just one incidence of high palm oil consumption reduces the body’s insulin sensitivity, increases fat deposits, and changes energy metabolism in the liver. These symptoms are typically the […]

by February 19, 2017
New study: Fasting can help you burn some serious fat

New study: Fasting can help you burn some serious fat

Fasting can help you burn some serious fat, according to the latest research from University of Alabama at Birmingham. A new practice called “intermittent fasting” is now sweeping the nation because of its effectiveness in weight loss and numerous other health benefits. In order to understand the concept of fasting […]

by February 18, 2017
5 best ways to love YOU this Valentine’s Day

5 best ways to love YOU this Valentine’s Day

The 5 best ways to love YOU this Valentine’s Day. There is a lot of pressure on people to be in love, especially on Valentine’s Day. While it is great to love others, your first have to love yourself. When you love yourself, you can be the best YOU to […]

by February 14, 2017