Post Tagged with: "STEPin2"

Coca-Cola sweetens Coke Life with stevia in a healthy marketing attempt

Coca-Cola sweetens Coke Life with stevia in a healthy marketing attempt

Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. One of the golden rules for healthy foods is that if the food is processed so not real, then it is not good for you. Sodas are not good for you. Many studies have shown they can cause health risks due to […]

by July 3, 2014
12 unhealthy foods to avoid at all costs

12 unhealthy foods to avoid at all costs

Like we always say, eating organic foods is key to optimal health. It is also very important to be educated on which foods to avoid. Labels and marketing schemes in supermarkets can be deceiving. The golden rule is to eat fresh, real, and organic foods. The more you educate yourself, […]

by June 30, 2014
Could the cell phone in your pocket be killing your sperm?

Could the cell phone in your pocket be killing your sperm?

Healthy living is a life style. It is about the environment you live in, the hair and skin care you use, the food you eat and water you drink. Healthy living also includes the precautions you take to protect your well-being. According to PewResearch Internet Project, 90% of American adults […]

by June 28, 2014
Whole Foods agrees to ban produce grown in sewage sludge

Whole Foods agrees to ban produce grown in sewage sludge

Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. However, simply eating organic foods is not enough. They must be from reputable sources that are honest and have high standards of quality. The Center for Media and Democracy released a story in 2012 showing how Whole Foods did not have a […]

by June 27, 2014
New edible film made of essential oil is proven to be better at preserving foods and bread

New edible film made of essential oil is proven to be better at preserving foods and bread

New edible film made of essential oil is proven to be better at preserving foods and bread. Healthy living is a life style. It is about the food you eat and the natural solutions you use to take care of your health. Food storage can be a big concern, especially with […]

by June 26, 2014
An organic and healthy approach to controlling acne

An organic and healthy approach to controlling acne

Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. Acne can be an embarrassing condition for teenagers and adults alike. According to Mayo Clinic, “Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells.” Research shows that the links between fatty and […]

by June 25, 2014
Top 4 essential dietary steps to reduce your cancer risk

Top 4 essential dietary steps to reduce your cancer risk

Top 4 essential dietary steps to reduce your cancer risk Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. According to the American Cancer Society, “About 1,660,290 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2013, and in 2013 about 580,350 Americans are projected to die of cancer, almost 1,600 […]

by June 21, 2014
Healthy tropical summer smoothie for kids

Healthy tropical summer smoothie for kids

  Feeding our kids healthy foods like organic leafy greens, fruits, and protein rich foods will help them achieve optimal health. It will also teach them healthy habits that they can use for the rest of their life. This is a healthy tropical summer smoothie that your kids will love. […]

by June 20, 2014