Post Tagged with: "STEPin2"

Painkiller related deaths are down 25% with legalized medical marijuana

Painkiller related deaths are down 25% with legalized medical marijuana

Medical marijuana is increasing in popularity as a treatment for many conditions, including eating disorders, cancers, and pain. It is becoming legal in more and more states. Painkiller related deaths are down 25% with legalized medical marijuana, that is in the states where it is legal, according to recent research. […]

by March 3, 2016
Be on the move and live longer

Be on the move and live longer

Get up and be on the move and live longer, says a new University of Pennsylvania study. The Penn researchers examined data from about 3,000 people from ages 50-79 who were participants in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]

by March 2, 2016
CDC reports 9 new cases of Zika virus in pregnant women

CDC reports 9 new cases of Zika virus in pregnant women

CDC reports 9 new cases of Zika virus in pregnant women The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared the Zika virus as a public health emergency of international concern. As recently reported by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Health officials from the CDC have confirmed that there […]

by February 29, 2016
Danger: E-cigarette explodes in man’s pocket

Danger: E-cigarette explodes in man’s pocket

Danger: E-cigarette explodes in man’s pocket Electronic cigarettes, more commonly known as e-cigarettes or vapes, have been the subject of much controversy lately. While some manufacturers claim that they are safer than cigarettes, others claim that they are even more harmful and can harm the immune system even more than […]

by February 28, 2016
Multi-state Salmonella outbreak linked to alfalfa sprouts

Multi-state Salmonella outbreak linked to alfalfa sprouts

A multi-state salmonella outbreak linked to alfalfa sprouts has infected and sickened 13 people. The alfalfa sprouts that are contaminated come from Sweetwater Farms in Kansas, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Salmonella is a group of bacteria that is one of the […]

by February 27, 2016
FDA to start testing for pesticide glyphosate in food

FDA to start testing for pesticide glyphosate in food

The most commonly used weed-killing spray Roundup is “probably carcinogenic to humans,” according to a recent statement from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Glyphosate, one of the chemicals in Roundup is believed to be responsible for the pesticide’s possible carcinogenicity. The […]

by February 26, 2016
69 food companies owned by Monsanto

69 food companies owned by Monsanto

Monsanto is an agriculture company that is well known for creating pesticides such as Roundup. These pesticides are bad for the environment and believed to be bad for health as well. As written in Scitable, a publication from Nature Education: After countless studies, pesticides have been linked to cancer, Alzheimer’s […]

by February 25, 2016
Drinking coffee may lower liver cirrhosis risk

Drinking coffee may lower liver cirrhosis risk

Drinking coffee may lower liver cirrhosis risk, according to a new review of existing studies. According to WebMD: Researchers analyzed data from 9 existing studies that included a total of over 430,000 participants. They found that two extra cups of coffee a day was linked to a 44 percent lower […]

by February 24, 2016