Post Tagged with: "STEPin2"

Autism is not just a brain disorder

Autism is not just a brain disorder

Autism is not just a brain disorder Autism is not just a brain disorder, according to new research from the journal Cell. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a range of complex neurodevelopment disorders. This disorder is characterized by social impairments, trouble with communication, and restricted, repetitive stereotyped patterns of behavior. […]

by June 15, 2016
Migraines are linked to vitamin deficiency

Migraines are linked to vitamin deficiency

Migraines are linked to vitamin deficiency, according to the latest research from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Migraines cause intense throbbing and pain in the head, and are usually followed with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light. According to the new research, a high percentage of children, teens, and […]

by June 14, 2016
Hostess recalled 700,000 products

Hostess recalled 700,000 products

Hostess recalled 700,000 products Hostess recalled 700,000 products, and Frito Lay has recalled many of their products as well. Some of the snack products made by theses companies may contain peanut residue, which can be extremely dangerous to those with peanut allergies. Hostess is recalling 710,000 products of their sweet […]

by June 13, 2016
American cancer survivors have reached 15.5 million

American cancer survivors have reached 15.5 million

Cancer is a deadly disease that has affected everyone in the United States either directly or indirectly. For many years, the aggressive disease has been an enigma to doctors and scientists. However, with cancer research and treatments advancing, there is some good news. American cancer survivors have reached 15.5 million […]

by June 12, 2016
Drinking coffee prevents eye fatigue

Drinking coffee prevents eye fatigue

Drinking coffee prevents eye fatigue Exercising doesn’t just affect our arms and legs and other obvious parts of the body – new research shows that it can put stress on our eyes as well. Now a new study from the University of Auckland in New Zealand shows that drinking coffee […]

by June 11, 2016
Is dietary fiber the key to anti-aging?

Is dietary fiber the key to anti-aging?

Is dietary fiber the key to anti-aging? Dietary fiber is a substance found in plants, seeds, legumes and other natural foods. It is a very important part of the diet, as it is known to help digestive health and help with weight control. New research shows that fiber health benefits […]

by June 9, 2016
Exercise lowers cancer risk up to 20 percent

Exercise lowers cancer risk up to 20 percent

Exercise lowers cancer risk up to 20 percent We all know how crucial exercise is to our overall health. It has been shown to improve mood, help with weight loss, and give you energy to get through the day. A growing body of research shows that exercise lowers cancer risk […]

by June 8, 2016
New dietary supplement prevents severe brain aging

New dietary supplement prevents severe brain aging

New dietary supplement prevents severe brain aging A new dietary supplement prevents severe brain aging, according to new research from McMaster University. This supplement, a blend of 30 vitamins and minerals, containing all natural-ingredients. The researchers believe that the supplement could someday slow the progress of serious brain diseases like […]

by June 7, 2016