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U.S. soda consumption lowest in 30 years

U.S. soda consumption lowest in 30 years

U.S. soda consumption lowest in 30 years:  according a new report from Beverage Digest, an industry tracker America is on the right track when it comes to soft drink consumption. Soda has been a controversial subject lately, causing the world’s leading health experts to plead for a tax on the […]

by April 17, 2016
Are grass-fed and organic foods really worth it?

Are grass-fed and organic foods really worth it?

It’s time to answer the question that everybody wants to know: are grass-fed and organic foods really worth it? According to an analysis from Consumer Reports, some organic foods can cost up to 47 percent more than conventional foods. This is a huge difference for many families who are on […]

by March 7, 2016
Acetaminophen is now linked to asthma risk

Acetaminophen is now linked to asthma risk

Acetaminophen is now linked to asthma risk Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol and other pain relieving drugs. According to a report published in the journal Hepatology: Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause for calls to Poison Control Centers (>100,000/year) and accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, […]

by March 5, 2016
Coffee decreases overall death risk

Coffee decreases overall death risk

Coffee is a huge part of the American lifestyle, and has lately been the subject of exciting health research. Scientists are just beginning to understand the health benefits of coffee. It has shown in recent research to improve survival rate in colon cancer patients, promote liver health, and even help […]

by December 3, 2015
Drinking water helps prevent kidney stones

Drinking water helps prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are hard masses that form from crystals in the urine. According to the National Kidney Association: “ Each year, more than half a million people go to emergency rooms for kidney stone problems. lt is thought that one in ten people will have a kidney stone at some time in […]

by November 19, 2015
Tom Brady steps up against junk food and soda

Tom Brady steps up against junk food and soda

Highly processed and sugary foods still dominate United States markets, as they make up 60 percent of the calories that Americans buy. These highly processed foods usually have more sugar, fat, and sodium than foods that are less processed. Kids are big consumers of these types of foods. There haven’t […]

by November 10, 2015
Are drinking fountains safe?

Are drinking fountains safe?

Before bottled water was created, drinking fountains were a staple in American communities. When first introduced, they were considered a symbol of prosperity and a sign of the technological advances needed to provide clean drinking water to citizens. Nowadays, drinking fountains are few and far between. “Water fountains have been […]

by October 3, 2015
Muscadine grapes may fight Alzheimer’s

Muscadine grapes may fight Alzheimer’s

Muscadine grapes are a species native to the southern part of America, and have been grown since the 16th century. They are very commonly used in fine wines and have shown health benefits. New research from the Georgetown University Medical Center shows that muscadine grapes may fight Alzheimer’s. Muscadines are […]

by October 2, 2015