Post Tagged with: "GreenMedInfo"

Coconut oil is a potent Alzheimer’s fighter

Coconut oil is a potent Alzheimer’s fighter

Coconut oil is a potent Alzheimer’s fighter, and may rescue the brain from the disease, according to research from Canada. The study adds to the mounting evidence that coconut oil is great for brain health and may fight diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. The study abstract explained the following details: […]

by August 6, 2016
Hibiscus tea kills the deadly avian flu virus

Hibiscus tea kills the deadly avian flu virus

Hibiscus tea kills the deadly avian flu virus Hibiscus tea kills the deadly avian flu virus, according to new research from The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science. What is avian flu? According to Healthline: The researchers tested a few different types of teas on the virus, including green, jasmine, rose, […]

by July 8, 2016
3 potent natural allergy remedies

3 potent natural allergy remedies

3 potent natural allergy remedies The hotter weather is here and with it comes allergies. Stay equipped with the 3 potent natural allergy remedies that are proven by studies. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that around 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from seasonal […]

by May 25, 2016
Cannabis beats traditional drugs for inflammatory bowel disease

Cannabis beats traditional drugs for inflammatory bowel disease

Cannabis beats traditional drugs for inflammatory bowel disease Crohn’s disease is part of a group of conditions known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease. The disease causes chronic inflammation of the gastrointestintal tract. New research shows that cannabis beats traditional drugs for inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s is typically treated with drugs, however […]

by March 10, 2016
Coconut oil is potent for treating dermatitis

Coconut oil is potent for treating dermatitis

Coconut oil has many surprising health benefits. Most of us grew up considering fats like coconut oil to be unhealthy and to be contributors to heart disease. Coconut oil is composed of a group of unique fat molecules known as medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). Although they are technically classified as saturated […]

by August 12, 2015
Rosehips may reduce belly fat

Rosehips may reduce belly fat

Rosehips are the fruits that come from the rose plant. They have been used for a myriad of health conditions for millenniums. Now, new research from Japan is showing that rosehips may reduce belly fat and treat obesity. Previous studies have shown that rosehips can help inhibit weight gain in […]

by May 19, 2015
Tropical tree extract may fight cancer

Tropical tree extract may fight cancer

New research from College of Pharmacy of Saudi Arabia’s King Saud University has shown that a tropical tree extract may fight cancer. The extract was found in the red spurge tree, a small tree indigenous to regions such as Hawaii, Mexico, and Africa. The research team analyzed the red spurge […]

by May 15, 2015
Pineapple extract may kill cancer cells

Pineapple extract may kill cancer cells

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for cancer today. There are side effects to chemotherapy, however, the main one being that it destroys the immune system. One of the reasons why conventional cancer treatment is such a dismal failure in the United States is because it relies on chemotherapy, says […]

by April 2, 2015