Post Tagged with: "GreenMedInfo"

How to clean your arteries with this simple fruit

How to clean your arteries with this simple fruit

We can never say enough about the importance of eating organic foods. Fresh organic foods are packed with antioxidants and unique nutrients that boost the immune system. The nutrients in these organic foods can also help prevent and treat disease. The pomegranate, also known as the seeded apple, is a […]

by July 17, 2018
Eating ginger may kill breast cancer cells

Eating ginger may kill breast cancer cells

Ginger is part of the herb family. It has a brown skin on the outside, and is creamy colored on this inside. The spicy, aromatic herb is often used in Asian cuisine to flavor dishes. Organic ginger is well known for its anti-nausea and motion sickness curing properties. Less known […]

by June 4, 2018
Turmeric is superior to Prozac and pain-killers for PMS

Turmeric is superior to Prozac and pain-killers for PMS

Turmeric is one of the most potent healing spices in the world. It is one the most researched plants in the world. There are so many reasons to eat turmeric and now a new research mentions turmeric is superior to Prozac and pain-killers for PMS. The medicinal properties of turmeric have […]

by May 19, 2018
Credit: © Igor Syrbu / Fotolia

Pomegranate can kill cancer from the roots

Pomegranate can kill cancer from the roots, by destroying the cancer stem cells, according to recent research from Spain. The pomegranate, also known as the seeded apple, is shown as being a powerful fruit and is therefore loaded with health benefits. It is deliciously sweet, and contains about 600 juicy […]

by May 31, 2017
Credit: © Ezume Images / Fotolia

Can ibuprofen stop your heart?

Painkillers are more dangerous than you think. While ibuprofen is widely prescribed, there may be hidden dangers. Can ibuprofen stop your heart? According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a major cause of death amongst adults 40 and older in the U.S. and worldwide. Over […]

by March 25, 2017
Black cumin oil beats common asthma medications

Black cumin oil beats common asthma medications

Black cumin oil beats common asthma medications, according to new research from the journal Phytotherapy Research. Black cumin are the seeds of the flowering plant Nigella Sativa, which has been revered for its medical properties for centuries. The health benefits of black cumin have been confirmed time and time again […]

by January 25, 2017
Glyphosate found in childhood vaccines

Glyphosate found in childhood vaccines

One of the most controversial chemicals used in pesticides that make it in to our food is glyphosate. There has been glyphosate found in childhood vaccines, according to recent research from Moms Across America. In March of last year, glyphosate was finally labeled as “probably carcinogenic to humans,” by the […]

by September 19, 2016
Can yoga heal an unhealthy heart?

Can yoga heal an unhealthy heart?

Can yoga heal an unhealthy heart? The answer is yes, according to a new study by a team of Portuguese researchers. The new study, called “Effects of Yoga in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: A Meta-Analysis,” shows that yoga has amazing benefits for those who have heart disease. The study […]

by September 4, 2016