Post Tagged with: "Dr Joseph Mercola"

The many health benefits of eating radishes

The many health benefits of eating radishes

Radishes are a crisp, peppery vegetable. They are part of the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes health superstars like kale, spinach, and broccoli. They may not get as much attention as most vegetables, but the health benefits of eating radishes are many.   Let’s look at the health benefits of […]

by February 21, 2020
10 reasons to eat avocados

10 reasons to eat avocados

Avocados are a potent super food, and are one of the most nutritious fruits on the planet. There are so many reasons to eat avocados. They are packed with nutrition and healthy fats that help prevent inflammation and promote overall health. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to eat […]

by February 19, 2020
Kissing is more than meets the lips

Kissing is more than meets the lips

Kissing is one of the most intimate, sensual, and romantic things that one can do with a person. The longest kiss on record was held in Thailand for over 58 hours. Two weeks is the average amount of kissing in a person’s lifetime. But there is much more to kissing […]

by December 13, 2019
Himalayan Pink Salt

Himalayan Pink salt is good for you

The Buzz is out and salt is a necessary part of our diet. The “good salt” is the Himalayan Pink Salt. Dr Joseph Mercola emphasizes how important the right kind of salt is to our health. “Salt is essential for life, we cannot live without it, there is a huge difference between […]

by September 16, 2019
Why it is important to soak nuts and seeds before you eat them

Why it is important to soak nuts and seeds before you eat them

Why it is important to soak nuts and seeds before you eat them. Nuts and seeds are highly regarded for their benefits and you should buy them organic. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet recommends about 1/3 cup of nuts 3-5 times a week to lower blood pressure. […]

by September 15, 2019
List of the top powerhouse foods

List of the top powerhouse foods

Our motto is: Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. Fresh organic foods like vegetables and fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These nutrients keep our immune systems in top shape so our bodies can fight disease. The antioxidants in foods also prevent oxidative stress and reduce […]

by July 20, 2019
Health benefits of cherries

Health benefits of cherries

Everybody loves the sweet taste of cherries and the health benefits of cherries are many. They make a great addition to desserts, but are also delicious by themselves. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of cherries. Anti-inflammatory: Cherries are important for fighting inflammation. A study from UC Davis […]

by June 17, 2019
The truth behind the teas your are drinking

The truth behind the teas your are drinking

There’s nothing like a hot cup of tea to get you through a long stressful day or to decompress. But do you know the truth behind the tea you are drinking? It has a way of providing energy, soothing the soul, and refreshing your spirits. Tea has been used for […]

by June 12, 2019