Post Tagged with: "Circulation"

6 foods that are dangerous for your cat

6 foods that are dangerous for your cat

We love our pets. They are an important part of our lives, and research from the American Heart Association even shows that they may lower heart disease risk. Cats are especially popular pets because of their unique behavior and personalities. It is our job and responsibility to keep our pets […]

by May 14, 2021
Sesame seeds are better than Tylenol for arthritis

Sesame seeds are better than Tylenol for arthritis

According to the CDC: “Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the entire joint involving the cartilage, joint lining, ligaments, and underlying bone.” These tissues break down and lead to pain and stiffness. Nutritious foods are some of the best medicines. An exciting new study from Iran shows that sesame seeds […]

by July 12, 2018
Credit: © womue / Fotolia

Why is olive oil so good for you?

Why is olive oil so good for you? It seems like researchers from Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute in Barcelona may be closer to finding out. According to the new study, a Mediterranean diet with olive oil included may lower the risk of heart disease, as it helps maintain […]

by February 27, 2017
Fish oil heals the heart after heart attack

Fish oil heals the heart after heart attack

Fish oil heals the heart after heart attack, according to an exciting new study from the American Heart Association. According to the researchers, giving heart attack patients high dose of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil, everyday for six months significantly improved heart function and reduced scarring. The shape and […]

by August 9, 2016
Coffee decreases overall death risk

Coffee decreases overall death risk

Coffee is a huge part of the American lifestyle, and has lately been the subject of exciting health research. Scientists are just beginning to understand the health benefits of coffee. It has shown in recent research to improve survival rate in colon cancer patients, promote liver health, and even help […]

by December 3, 2015
Sugary drinks are linked to high death tolls worldwide

Sugary drinks are linked to high death tolls worldwide

Excess sugar intake is linked to many health problems. Recent research has shown that high sugar intake can greatly increase heart disease risk, and a new MRI technique even confirmed that cancer cells feed on sugar. “A piece of fruit, or even a treat like ice cream, isn’t going to […]

by August 11, 2015
Hospitalizations and deaths from heart disease, stroke drop in the last decade

Hospitalizations and deaths from heart disease, stroke drop in the last decade

One important aspect of healthy living is paying attention to the latest health news, so you can be encouraged and can maintain the knowledge to keep you and your loved ones safe. The American Heart Association has recently reported some very encouraging news concerning heart health in Americans. United States […]

by August 29, 2014