Post Tagged with: "Cell Reports"

Fasting reduces symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Fasting reduces symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Fasting reduces symptoms of multiple sclerosis Fasting reduces symptoms of multiple sclerosis, according to new research from the University of Southern California (USC). The researchers found that the fasting-mimicking diet triggers a death-and-life process in cells that appears essential to the repairing of the body. “During the fasting-mimicking diet, cortisone […]

by June 2, 2016
Antibiotics stop new brain cells from growing

Antibiotics stop new brain cells from growing

Antibiotics stop new brain cells from growing Besides killing beneficial bacteria in the gut, antibiotics stop new brain cells from growing, according to new research from the Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin, Germany. The antibiotics that are strong enough to kill gut bacteria stop new cell growth in the […]

by May 23, 2016
Vitamin D may help prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes

Vitamin D may help prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes

Vitamin D may help prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes, according to research from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “Because low vitamin D levels are associated with diabetes and heart disease, we looked at the connections between vitamin D, immune function, and these disease states,” explains senior author […]

by March 27, 2015
High fat meals could be more harmful to males than females

High fat meals could be more harmful to males than females

Male and female brains are not equal when dealing with high-fat diets. High fat meals could be more harmful to males than females: Debora Clegg, PhD, scientist from Cedars-Sinai Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute and a research team found that male mice fed a high fat diet developed brain inflammation […]

by October 23, 2014
Diet may affect your internal body clock and may help you with jet lag

Diet may affect your internal body clock and may help you with jet lag

Healthy Living is a life style. It is about the hair and skin care you use, natural solutions you select to clean and take care of your home and garden, and last but not least the food you eat. If you travel often, food may be key to beating the […]

by July 19, 2014