Post Tagged with: "Added Fructose: A Principal Driver of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Consequences"

High sugar intake greatly increases heart disease risk

High sugar intake greatly increases heart disease risk

According to a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Public Health, almost 1 out of every 5 deaths in the US is obesity related. While obesity is a risk factor for serious diseases, there is an underlying condition that associates obesity to serious conditions including heart disease — […]

by March 21, 2015
Added fructose causes type 2 diabetes

Added fructose causes type 2 diabetes

Added fructose causes type 2 diabetes Recent research shows that added sugars, especially ones with fructose, are a major risk factor of diabetes. Clinical scientists believe that current dietary guidelines allowing up to 25% of daily total calories from sugars should be changed, especially because added fructose causes type 2 […]

by February 3, 2015