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10 reasons to eat broccoli
There are so many reasons to eat broccoli. It is part of the cruciferous vegetable family, which means it is packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for overall health. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to eat broccoli. 1. Anti-inflammatory properties: This potent cruciferous is an excellent source of […]
5 reasons to keep coconut oil in the bathroom
We are bringing you 5 reasons to keep coconut oil in the bathroom at all times. Coconut oil has many surprising health benefits. Most of use grew up considering fats like coconut oil to be unhealthy and to be contributors to heart disease. Coconut oil is composed of a group of […]
10 natural ways to get rid of common household pests
Healthy Living is a life style. If you have kids and pets this is one more reason why should opt for healthier options and avoid commercial pest control products. Make your own repellents and you will be in charge of what goes in your home and garden. This is key […]
The top 6 mosquito repelling plants for your home and garden
If you have kids and pets this is one more reason why should opt for healthier options and avoid commercial pest control products. Mosquito repelling plants really work! Using plants to repel mosquitos serves many purposes. It not only keeps flies away, but also adds beauty to your garden. We […]
DIY rose and coconut body lotion
Take a healthy step and pamper your beautiful body during the winter. This is a fast, inexpensive, heavenly smelling DIY rose and coconut body lotion. It is perfect for dry skin and contains wheat germ oil which is rich in vitamin E and will nourish your skin. What you need: […]
The many health benefits of eating Bok Choy
Bok Choy, also known as Chinese cabbage, is a cruciferous vegetable just like broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts. These cruciferous vegetables are key to overall health and are packed with vitamins and nutrients. This is why they are often called nature’s potent multi-vitamins. Let’s look at the many health benefits […]
Geranium natural anti-bacterial body wash
Keep the germs at bay and make this coconut and geranium natural anti-bacterial body wash. This geranium natural anti-bacterial body wash is free of chemical and harsh ingredients and does not contain triclosan. The FDA is currently taking a look at the risks of triclosan, a common ingredient in antibacterial […]
Lemon and coconut chemical-free deodorant recipe
This is a simple and easy to make chemical free deodorant recipe. It is free of synthetics and toxic chemicals such as aluminum and parabens, which have shown detrimental health effects. According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, “Your antiperspirant probably contains aluminum, and that aluminum may be absorbed into your breast […]