Credit: © Tatiana / Fotolia

Credit: © Tatiana / Fotolia

Strawberry and mint flu-fighting juice

This strawberry and mint flu-fighting juice is packed with potent season immune-boosting ingredients for this flu season.

This year’s flu season has been one of the worst, and it is still spreading. According to TIME:

Flu activity has increased throughout the United States as of the second week of January, the CDC said Friday. Ten influenza-related deaths in children were reported through the week ending on Jan. 13, bringing the total flu-related pediatric deaths to 30.

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this strawberry and mint flu-fighting juice.

It is packed with calcium, potassium, and vitamin B, which are essential for immune system function.

They provide an impressive amount of vitamin C, with a whopping 149% of the recommended daily value per cup. Strawberries are a perfect immune boosting food.


Process the following ingredients in a juicer:

1 cup of strawberries, stems removed
1/2 cup of mint leaves
1 tsp of lemon juice
2 kiwifruits, peeled

Make sure ingredients are organic
Enjoy this strawberry and mint flu-fighting juice!

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How to make a flu-fighting turmeric ginger milk.
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1. “Here’s How Widespread the Flu Is This Year.” Time, Time, 22 Jan. 2018,
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