What is the key to a happy marriage? While there are many important aspects to marriage, medical science has found one crucial ingredient.
The answer is: Sex.
Researchers have found that the “afterglow” that you experience after sexual intercourse lasts about two days and may increase satisfaction in a long-term relationship.
Previous studies have shown that sex provides benefits for short-term bonding between partners. However, the researchers note that most couples do not engage in sexual activity daily.
According to stats from the International Society of Sexual Medicine, only 21 percent of married men and 24 percent of married women have sex four or more days a week.
So why does sex create a lasting bond in between intercourse?
Lead author Andrea Meltzer, of Florida State University and her team suspect that sex produces what they call an “afterglow.”
This afterglow helps enhance day to day bonding in a long-term relationship, and boosts satisfaction over time.
The researchers used data from two studies to test this theory. The studies included over 200 newlywed couples.
The couples were asked to take a daily diary for two weeks. They reported on sexual activity with their partner, as well as sexual satisfaction.
Couples were also asked to rate their relationship satisfaction, marital satisfaction, and partner satisfaction every day.
The researchers also analyzed a baseline of satisfaction at the beginning of the study and another analysis 4-6 months later.
During the two-week period, the couples reported having sex on an average of 4 days.
The researchers found that sex increased short-term satisfaction, but also produced the afterglow that lasted 2 days.
Meltzer concluded: “Our research shows that sexual satisfaction remains elevated 48 hours after sex. And people with a stronger sexual afterglow – that is, people who report a higher level of sexual satisfaction 48 hours after sex – report higher levels of relationship satisfaction several months later.”
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1. “Sex May Be Key to a Happy Marriage, Study Finds.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 26 Mar. 2017. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
2. “Quantifying the Sexual Afterglow.” Sage Journals. Psychological Science, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.