Homemade rose water

Homemade rose water

Give your skin a glass of water and try this homemade rose water recipe.

Rose water is the hydrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals. It is itself a by-product of the production of rose oil for use in perfume and is used to flavour food, as a component in some cosmetic and medical preparations.

Instructions for this homemade rose water:

Place three handfuls of petals into a pot

Pour water over the rose petals

Cover the pot and place it over low heat.

Let it simmer until half the water is left (about 15 minutes).

Let it cool

Discard the petals

For a more potent version: Add 5 drops of essential rose water oil

Pour your rosewater into a BPA-Free glass bottle

Homemade rose water has many beneficial properties when applied to skin:


Reduces inflammation

Cleanses and tones

Helps maintain pH balance of skin.

We recommend Mountain Rose Herbs as a reputable source for essential oils .


Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

For the medicinal properties of coconut oil.
For a DIY cacao and coconut nourishing body butter.
For a chocolate face mask.

1. “Health Benefits of Rose Essential Oil.” Organic Facts. Organic Facts, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

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