FDA has approved GMO salmon

FDA has approved GMO salmon

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism and is defined as “an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.” The technique used to create GMOs is called recombinant DNA.

DNA molecules from different organisms are combined to create one molecule of DNA, and are then transferred to an organism, causing its genetic makeup to change. GMOs have been linked to serious health conditions, including negative reproductive system effects, food allergies, and possibly even cancer.

There are GMOs lurking in many products, so it is important to go organic whenever possible to avoid consuming them. Recently, a statement was released showing that the FDA has approved GMO salmon. The salmon approved is from the company AquAdvantage Salmon.

As written in the FDA statement:

The FDA scientists rigorously evaluated extensive data submitted by the manufacturer, AquaBounty Technologies, and other peer-reviewed data, to assess whether AquAdvantage salmon met the criteria for approval established by law; namely, safety and effectiveness. The data demonstrated that the inserted genes remained stable over several generations of fish, that food from the GE salmon is safe to eat by humans and animals, that the genetic engineering is safe for the fish, and the salmon meets the sponsor’s claim about faster growth.”

Because of the approval from the FDA, the salmon will not be required to be labeled as genetically modified.

Soon after the statement was released, the Center for Food Safety announced that they would be suing the FDA.

The review process by FDA was inadequate, failed to fully examine the likely impacts of the salmon’s introduction, and lacked a comprehensive analysis. This decision sets a dangerous precedent, lowering the standards of safety in this country. CFS will hold FDA to their obligations to the American people,” said Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of Center for Food Safety.

Big retailers including Costco and Walmart have already announced that they will not be selling GMO salmon in their stores.

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Toxin from salmon may fight cancer.
Vegetarians who eat fish have lower colon cancer risk.

A list of GMO-free food companies.

1. “FDA Approves Genetically-Modified Salmon.” ABC News. ABC News Network, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
2. “FDA Approves First Genetically Engineered Animal for Human Consumption Over the Objections of Millions.” Center for Food Safety. Center for Food Safety, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
3. “FDA Has Determined That the AquAdvantage Salmon Is as Safe to Eat as Non-GE Salmon.” FDA.gov. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.
4. “Costco Joins a Host of Retailers Refusing to Sell GMO Salmon.” TakePart. TakePart, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2015.

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