Stepy —
August 31, 2014
- Healthy living is about staying up to date on the latest health news and tips, so you can make the best decisions for your health.
- According to The Heart Foundation, “Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States, claiming approximately 1 million lives annually.” They also report that this year, more than 920,000 Americans will suffer a heart attack, and by the year 2020, heart disease will become the “leading cause of death throughout the world.”
- While hospitalizations and deaths from heart disease have dropped significantly in the last decade, heart conditions are still a great cause for concern.
- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality took a survey, which showed that approximately 43 million Americans take daily aspirin.
- The FDA has promoted aspirin for decades, but they have recently stated that if you have not suffered from heart problems, you should not be taking daily aspirin, even if you have a family history of heart disease.
- This is a considerable change compared to the FDA’s prior stance on aspirin and heart disease prevention.
- In an FDA consumer update, they now state: “FDA has concluded that the data do not support the use of aspirin as a preventive medication by people who have not had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems, a use that is called ‘primary prevention.’ In such people, the benefit has not been established but risks — such as dangerous bleeding into the brain or stomach — are still present.”
- This announcement followed Bayer’s request to change its aspirin labels to say that it can help prevent heart attacks in those who haven’t had a history of heart disease.
- “The bottom line is that in people who have had a heart attack, stroke or cardiovascular problems, daily aspirin therapy is worth considering. And if you’re thinking of using aspirin therapy, you should first talk to your health care professional to get an informed opinion,” states Robert Temple, M.D., deputy director for clinical science at the FDA.
- Large-scale clinical studies are now in progress to weight the risks versus the benefits of aspirin, and the FDA is currently monitoring these studies.
- Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.
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- Hospitalizations and deaths from heart disease, stroke drop in the last decade.
- For an artery and heart health juice.
- For the top heart foods.
- For tips on how to lower your cholesterol.
- For a heart health smoothie.
- Tomato extract pill may treat heart disease.
- 1. “FDA Reverses Its Position on Daily Aspirin Use.”, 04 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Aug. 2014.
- 2. “Do Not Take Daily Aspirin If You Haven’t Had a Heart Attack, Says FDA.” Time. Time, 06 May 2014. Web. 30 Aug. 2014.
- 3. “Can an Aspirin a Day Help Prevent a Heart Attack?” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, n.d. Web. 30 Aug. 2014.
- 4. “Heart Disease Facts.” The Heart Foundation. The Heart Foundation, n.d. Web. 29 Aug. 2014.
- 5. “Aspirin Use among the Adult U.S. Noninstitutionalized Population, with and without Indicators of Heart Disease, 2005.” Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, July 2007. Web. 30 Aug. 2014.