Stepy —
November 25, 2019
- This is a deliciously healthy chocolate recipe that will satisfy anybody’s sweet tooth.
- We know how beneficial to our health dark chocolate, raw almonds and raw honey are.
- So let’s make it a win-win and concoct a tasty dessert which includes this powerful trio.
- This recipe is a fast one and once you have all the ingredients it will take less than 15 minutes to make.
- Note: This recipe is soy free and gluten free.
- To make this recipe *vegan: Use coconut nectar instead of honey.
- Raw chocolate and coconut balls recipe:
- Ingredients:
- 1 cup raw grounded almonds
- 1 cup raw cacao powder
- 3 tbsp of raw honey (or *coconut nectar)
- 5 tbsp of coconut flakes
- 2 tbsp of filtered water*
- How to make:
- Mix the cacao powder, raw almonds, filtered water and raw honey in a bowl with a spoon until it forms a creamy yet dry texture. *Adjust the water amount gradually: start with 2tbsp, you can go up to 8 tbsp (about 1/2 cup). It all depends on the honey you use and how creamy you want the balls.
- Roll the chocolate mixture into balls.
- Roll the balls into the coconut flakes.
- Optional: For a richer and creamier version you may use 1/2 cup organic coconut oil instead of the filtered water.
- This recipe makes about 10 small size balls.
- Enjoy!
- We recommend Living Tree Community Foods as a good source for the coconut flakes, raw almonds, cacao powder and coconut nectar.
- Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.
- For the healing benefits of coconut oil.
- For why dark chocolate is fast becoming a superfood.
- For honey the healing treasure.
- For almonds the natural powerhouses.