Include pink grapefruits in your diet, you will be happy you did.
You can add them in your favorite fruit salad, squeeze them for a fresh juice, or just eat one by itself. I love adding 1 tbsp of raw honey on top of a sliced grapefruit. It dilutes its bitterness and taste so much better.
The flesh of a grapefruit varies in colors of red, pink and white. According to Medicinal Food News, the pink variety of grapefruit contains a much higher concentration of vitamins and minerals than the others.
At a glance, here are the astounding healing properties of the pink grapefruit:
- ✒ Cancer fighter:
- Pink grapefruithas a high concentration of lycopene, which is the pigment that gives the grapefruit its pink color.
- Lycopene increases the body’s concentration of antioxidants and fight free radicals that can cause cell damage and promote heart disease and some forms of cancer.
- One halve of a pink grapefruit contains 4.9mg of lycopene.
- ✒ Lowers cholesterol
- Pink grapefruit contains several bioactive compounds that lower blood cholesterol levels.
- ✒ Antiseptic
- Pink grapefruit contains pectin, which is a complex carbohydrate that gives pink grapefruit antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal properties. Including pink grapefruit will boost the body’s immune system and help fight any bacteria.
- ✒ Detox
- Grapefruit juice will increase the activity of the liver enzymes responsible for breaking down toxins. Carcinogens are among the toxins so the risk of cancer is reduced.
- ✒ Weight loss:
- Grapefruit juice is one of the best fat-burning foods and a cellulite remover.
- It improves blood flow and help metabolize sugar in the blood.
It also reduces fluid retention. - NOTE: If you are taking any medication, DO NOT consume grapefruit or its juice as it may interfere with the metabolism of the drugs.
- Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease