- Do you want to look forever young? Have more energy? Be brain sharp? It seems to be everybody’s dream. We have the answer for you and it is called The Schizandra berry.
- As seen on Dr. Oz, the Schizandra Berry may be able to help you achieve all that.
- The Schizandra Berry has been used for over 3000 years in traditional Chinese medicine.
- It is a class of herbs that help the body fight stress and lower stress hormones in the blood.
- In China, the Schizandra Berry is known as the five-flavored fruit because of its five conflicting tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and spicy.
- It is used for health purposes and works in 3 ways:
- 1. It rejuvenates your skin as it contains powerful and profound antioxidants.
- The anti-inflammatory properties will reduce facial redness and help rejuvenate your skin. It also will detoxify your liver to rid your body of toxins.
- 2. It boosts energy. Long-distance athletes have used Schizandra to enhance their performance.
- Schizandra stimulates the nervous system and helps you stay alert. It also creates a stable energy boost. You will not feel jittery.
- 3. It sharpens your memory and may enhance mental concentration.
- It stimulates memory by delivering more oxygen to brain cells.
- It is recommended to take the Schizandra Berry extract in capsule form about 500mg daily or drink Schizandra Berry tea in the morning instead of coffee.
- As Seen on the Dr. Oz video.
- You can get it on line or at health food stores.
- For more about this miracle anti aging herb.
- Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.