Drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer, according to recent research from five Spanish universities in a European investigation.
The link between alcohol and cancer is certainly nothing new. It has been known for years and confirmed by many studies. The European researchers write that the risk of breast cancer quadruples with the daily intake of each glass of wine or beer.
María Dolores Chirlaque, one of the Spanish scientists who forms part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) team, explained:
”A woman’s average risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer increases by 4% with each additional 10 grams/day of alcohol. In other words, a daily intake of one glass of wine or beer — or less — would correspond to a risk value of 1. However, if we increase our intake to two daily glasses of wine or beer, our risk would rise by 4%‘.’
The study abstract provided the following details:
The study showing that drinking alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer was published in the International Journal of Cancer.
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1. “A New Study Confirms That Alcohol Intake Increases the Risk of Breast Cancer.” AlphaGalileo. AlphaGalileo, n.d. Web. 09 Aug. 2016.
2. “Alcohol Intake and Breast Cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.” Wiley Online Library. International Journal of Cancer, n.d. Web. 09 Aug. 2016.