DIY geranium hand wash soap

DIY geranium hand wash soap

This is a simple, inexpensive DIY geranium hand wash soap.

It will leave your hands thoroughly clean and you will not have to worry about chemicals such as Triclosan.

Most anti-bacterial soaps contain triclosan (and the related triclocarbon). This chemical is found in almost all in liquid hand soap. It is linked to inhalation toxicity, and low levels of triclosan may disrupt thyroid function.

The American Medical Association recommends that triclosan not be used in the home, as it may encourage bacterial resistance to antibiotics.

Triclosan can also be found in deodorants, toothpastes, and cosmetics as well as furniture, toys, kitchenware, and clothing. Triclosan is also marketed under the names Microban® (when used on plastics and clothing) and Biofresh® (when used in acrylic fibers).

This recipe is very easy. The coconut oil has antiseptic properties and will moisturize your hands too.


2 cups boiled water

2 Tbsp unscented liquid Castile Soap

1/2 tsp organic coconut oil

5 drops of geranium essential oil (or lavender)


In a glass bowl: Mix the Castile soap with the coconut oil

Add 3 drops of geranium essential oil

Fill a hand soap dispenser (to about 1 inch to the top) with the boiled water

Gently add the soap mixture

Close the top and shake

Note: This hand soap will keep for a long time

You can double or triple the amount and make a big batch

We like the organic coconut oil from Living Tree Community Foods.

You can find unscented Castille soap at Dr. Bronner.

Try it, your clean and moisturized hands will thank you!

For the medicinal properties of coconut oil.

For a homemade coconut oil toothpaste


Triclosan. Physician For Social Responsibility, Web. 02 September 2013.


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  1. Pingback: FDA takes a close look at antibacterial soaps - Step Into My Green World | STEPin2

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