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Credit: © puhhha / Fotolia

This amazing vitamin may help heal the heart and prevent damage

This amazing vitamin may help heal the heart and prevent damage, according to a new study conducted by Ohio University.

The new study shows that vitamin D3 can significantly reverse damage to the heart caused by serious diseases including hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Generally, Vitamin D3 is associated with the bones. However, in recent years, in clinical settings people recognize that many patients who have a heart attack will have a deficiency of D3. It doesn’t mean that the deficiency caused the heart attack, but it increased the risk of heart attack,” study coauthor Professor Dr. Tadeusz Malinski said. “We use nanosensors to see why Vitamin D3 can be beneficial, especially for the function and restoration of the cardiovascular system.”

The researchers have found through testing that vitamin D3 is a powerful stimulator of nitric oxide, which is a crucial molecule for regulating blood flow and preventing clots. Vitamin D3 also reduced oxidative stress in the cardiovascular system.

Most importantly, they found that vitamin D3 significantly reduced damage from serious diseases including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and diabetes, all while reducing the risk of heart attack.

There are not many, if any, known systems which can be used to restore cardiovascular endothelial cells which are already damaged, and Vitamin D3 can do it,” Malinski said. “This is a very inexpensive solution to repair the cardiovascular system. We don’t have to develop a new drug. We already have it.”

To get your daily dose of vitamin D it is recommended to do the following:

‣ Eat Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon
‣ Take Vitamin D supplements
‣ Get daily exposure to sun

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“Vitamin D3 Could Help Heal or Prevent Cardiovascular Damage.” ScienceDaily, ScienceDaily, 30 Jan. 2018,
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