Neil Young joins Dakota Access Pipeline protestors

Neil Young joins Dakota Access Pipeline protestors

Neil Young joins Dakota Access Pipeline protestors, and on his birthday no less! Music legend Neil Young celebrated his birthday recently, and he did so by performing for the Great Sioux Nation in Standing Rock.

Got my birthday wish today, my girl took me to #StandWithStandingRock,” Young wrote on his Facebook page. He posted the following footage along with the quote on Facebook.

Instead of performing on a live stage, he walked through the crowds singing and playing guitar, which helped lift the spirits of those protesting the pipeline. A decision on whether to build the pipeline or not should be coming soon.

Neil Young sang a new song called ‘Indian Givers’ which he wrote in protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline. You can listen to the song below.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is a new project that consists of an approximately 1,172 mile, 30-inch diameter pipeline that will connect North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline will be used to transport crude oil.

The pipeline would cross the Missouri River, which is one of the largest water sources in the U.S., provides drinking water for millions.

The Great Sioux Nation, who live in the region, warn that an oil spill in the river would be detrimental to the water and overall health of their land.

It is always great to see celebrities using their fame and power to give a voice to people who don’t have one.

We have already seen great actors like Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo help with the pipeline protests, and it is awesome to see a great musician like Neil Young join the cause.

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Actor Mark Ruffalo is fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Leonardo DiCaprio protests with Great Sioux Nation to stop Dakota Access Pipeline.
The Avengers stars are fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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