Natren Trenev Trio probiotics

Natren Trenev Trio probiotics

Part of our top 10, “Must-Haves”: Natren Healthy Trinity probiotics.

There is mounting evidence that adding probiotics to your diet will not only boost your immune system, but also fight inflammation, skin disorders,  aid with your digestion and help you reach optimum health.

Just recently, Dr. Andrew Weil, shared on the Dr.Oz show that probiotics are part of his 5 health essentials.

We we are 90% bacteria and 10% cells. We have abused and disrupted the eco system in our body by taking too many pharmaceuticals drugs, antibiotics and by eating the wrong foods. We need to fix our internal environment by eating less processed foods and by including probiotics in our diet,” states Natasha Trenev Founder on Natren. 

Did you know? About 80% of our immune system is in out gut/colon. Keeping it healthy is key to boost our immune system.

Healthy Trinity works to support your entire gastrointestinal (GI) system.

NOTE: Probiotic supplements must be kept refrigerated to ensure potency. You can find them at Whole FoodsRainbow, and directly.

For more information.

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