
Why is the soda tax a good idea?

Why is the soda tax a good idea?

Why is the soda tax a good idea? According to a new Australian study, the tax on soda could bring a significant number of health benefits and savings on health care costs. Dr. Lennert Veerman, a researcher at the University of Queensland School of Public Health, believes that the tax […]

by April 20, 2016
Hepatitis outbreak is linked to frozen fruit sold at Costco

Hepatitis outbreak is linked to frozen fruit sold at Costco

A recent hepatitis outbreak is linked to frozen fruit sold at Costco, according to Canadian officials. The brand Nature’s Touch is recalling its “Organic Berry Cherry Blend” because of the outbreak. Health officials are concerned that consumers may have the product in their homes. The infected product has a “Best […]

by April 19, 2016
Ocean pollutants in tuna weaken the immune system

Ocean pollutants in tuna weaken the immune system

Ocean pollutants in tuna weaken the immune system, according to a team of oceanography scientists in California. Because of human pollution, the oceans are in a serious crisis. According to National Geographic: The new study on tuna further confirms these concerns. The scientists found that long-lasting environmental pollutants can weaken […]

by April 18, 2016
U.S. soda consumption lowest in 30 years

U.S. soda consumption lowest in 30 years

U.S. soda consumption lowest in 30 years:  according a new report from Beverage Digest, an industry tracker America is on the right track when it comes to soft drink consumption. Soda has been a controversial subject lately, causing the world’s leading health experts to plead for a tax on the […]

by April 17, 2016
Dirty Dozen: Top 12 produce with the most pesticides

Dirty Dozen: Top 12 produce with the most pesticides

Dirty Dozen: Top 12 produce with the most pesticides Each year, the Environmental Working Group (EWS) publishes a list of the top 12 produce with the most pesticides called the ‘Dirty Dozen.’ Pesticides are chemicals very commonly used today in agriculture to fend off potential pests like insects, rodents, weeds, […]

by April 16, 2016
5 best tips to get through allergy season

5 best tips to get through allergy season

5 best tips to get through allergy season Spring is here and with it comes allergies. Stay equipped with the best tips to get through allergy season. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America estimates that around 40 million people in the United States alone suffer from seasonal allergies, known […]

by April 15, 2016
60,000 kids are poisoned every year by this

60,000 kids are poisoned every year by this

60,000 kids are poisoned every year by this, and nobody talks about it: medication poisonings. “As physicians become more reliant on prescribing medications to treat illness instead of advocating preventive measures, more of our children are suffering from accidental medication poisonings,” Dr. Mercola, a leading physician and health expert explains. […]

by April 14, 2016
The dangerous truths about too much salt

The dangerous truths about too much salt

The dangerous truths about too much salt The dangerous truths about too much salt in your diet are very real, and very easy to fall into with the U.S. diet. With all the deservedly negative attention that sugar has been receiving, the health risks of too much salt or sodium […]

by April 13, 2016