
Credit: © Andrey Cherkasov / Fotolia

Alcohol use is the biggest risk factor for dementia

Alcohol use is the biggest risk factor for dementia, according to the latest research from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. The new study looked specifically at the effect of alcohol use disorder and its relation to dementia risk. Of the 57,000 dementia cases in the study, the majority […]

by March 8, 2018
What happens to your body when you eat sugar

What happens to your body when you eat sugar

Excess sugar intake is linked to many health problems. Recent research has shown that high sugar intake can greatly increase heart disease risk, and a new MRI technique even confirmed that cancer cells feed on sugar. “A piece of fruit, or even a treat like ice cream, isn’t going to […]

by March 2, 2018
One dose of beet juice boosts brain function

One dose of beet juice boosts brain function

Beets come in a variety of colors, from red, white to gold. They are a root vegetable, much like carrots, and have a sweet flavor. They can be eaten raw or lightly cooked. Beets are considered a multi-purpose vegetable, because the roots and the leaves are both edible. There are […]

by February 24, 2018
Cholesterol lowering lentil and spinach soup

Cholesterol lowering lentil and spinach soup

Many say “souping” is the new juicing. The great thing about soup is that it is easy to make, and it combines all the nutrients in the healthy foods that you use and keeps them alive and potent in the bowl. This cholesterol lowering lentil and spinach soup is packed […]

by February 23, 2018
Credit: © adrian_ilie825 / Fotolia

5 ways to lower your insulin levels naturally

We are giving you 5 ways to lowers your insulin levels naturally, so you can keep a healthy balance between insulin and blood sugar levels. It is important to maintain a healthy balance between insulin and blood sugar. Sometimes, insulin is not as effective it should be, and more is […]

by February 22, 2018
The surprising health benefits of organic butter

The surprising health benefits of organic butter

The surprising health benefits of organic butter Eating organic foods is key to optimum health. Surprisingly enough butter is no exception Butter has always been linked to weight gain and heart disease. Real organic butter can actually be “good” for you. It may be time to bring it back to your table. Let’s look […]

by February 19, 2018
Credit: © vvmich / Fotolia

5 foods you should avoid before bedtime

Did you know that diet plays a major part for a healthy sleep. That is why we are giving you 5 foods you should avoid before bedtime. Sleep disorders have become an epidemic in the United States. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reports that “an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans […]

by February 16, 2018
Vegetarians who eat fish have lower colon cancer risk

Vegetarians who eat fish have lower colon cancer risk

Pescovegetarians, or vegetarians who eat fish have lower colon cancer risk, according to new research from the American Medical Association. Colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and is the second leading cause of death by cancer amongst men and women, according to the Colon Cancer Alliance. The […]

by February 6, 2018