
5 foods that earned the SUPERfood title

5 foods that earned the SUPERfood title

Fresh organic foods like vegetables and fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 5 foods that earned the SUPERfood title. They are packed with nutrients to keep our immune systems in top shape.  The antioxidants in these 5 foods that earned the SUPERfood title also prevent oxidative stress and reduce […]

by June 15, 2018
Nature’s potent multi-vitamins: Cruciferous Vegetables

Nature’s potent multi-vitamins: Cruciferous Vegetables

There are so many vitamins, minerals in cruciferous vegetables, we can  learn our alphabet with them. They truly are nature’s multi-vitamins. Eating cruciferous vegetables on a regular basis will get you a good amount of vitamin A, B, C, K not to mention some folic acid and potassium and of […]

by June 13, 2018
Health dangers of sitting too much

Health dangers of sitting too much

Sitting makes up a big part of most peoples’ days. Research shows that the average American spends 9-10 hours a day sitting down. Let’s look at the health dangers of sitting too much. “This behavior can be more problematic than you might think, as the human body was designed to […]

by June 10, 2018
5 reasons to hit the gym other than weight loss

5 reasons to hit the gym other than weight loss

Halfway into the year, many of us are still trying to keep up with resolutions. The gym is packed now with people attempting to hit their weight loss goals. However there are many other benefits to exercising. Let’s take a look at 5 reasons to hit the gym other than […]

by June 9, 2018
The many health benefits of eating bell peppers

The many health benefits of eating bell peppers

The health benefits of eating bell peppers are many. They come in a wide variety of colors, including green, yellow, red, orange, brown, purple and black. Despite their varying tastes, they are all the same plant. Organic bell peppers are part of the nightshade vegetable family. Let’s look at the […]

by June 5, 2018
Eating ginger may kill breast cancer cells

Eating ginger may kill breast cancer cells

Ginger is part of the herb family. It has a brown skin on the outside, and is creamy colored on this inside. The spicy, aromatic herb is often used in Asian cuisine to flavor dishes. Organic ginger is well known for its anti-nausea and motion sickness curing properties. Less known […]

by June 4, 2018
The many health benefits of eating raspberries

The many health benefits of eating raspberries

Raspberries are juicy little berries that pack a flavorful punch, the health benefits of eating raspberries are many. They are considered a mid-summer season fruit. Let’s look at health benefits of eating raspberries: Anti-inflammatory properties: Organic raspberries are packed with antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory benefits. The health benefits of eating […]

by May 30, 2018
Can chocolate reduce wrinkles?

Can chocolate reduce wrinkles?

Dark chocolate is quickly becoming a superfood. Organic extra dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) is packed with nutrition. There are so many reasons to eat dark chocolate. It is important to eat the right kind of chocolate, as some are loaded with sugar or artificial ingredients. Dutched chocolate should […]

by May 26, 2018