
The powerful colors in berries and heart health

The powerful colors in berries and heart health

Can the colors in berries help prevent heart attacks? Let’s look at the colors in berries and hearth health. Berries contained antioxidants called anthocyanins, which are the compounds that give berries their red, blue, or purple colors. These anthocyanins help regulate the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory systems in our bodies. Now, […]

by July 14, 2018
Sesame seeds are better than Tylenol for arthritis

Sesame seeds are better than Tylenol for arthritis

According to the CDC: “Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disease of the entire joint involving the cartilage, joint lining, ligaments, and underlying bone.” These tissues break down and lead to pain and stiffness. Nutritious foods are some of the best medicines. An exciting new study from Iran shows that sesame seeds […]

by July 12, 2018
Lyme disease management tips

Lyme disease management tips

Lyme disease, also known as Borreliosis, is a bacterial infection which is most common in the Northeast and Midwest United States. Lyme disease is usually spread through tick bites. It first causes a rash, headache, and fatigue, but can eventually become serious and affect the heart and nervous system. Early […]

by July 10, 2018
8 nutrients to keep your brain alert

8 nutrients to keep your brain alert

As people age, the brain is more susceptible to cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In the March 2015 issue of Food Technology from the Institute of Food Technologists, editor Linda Milo Ohr writes about 8 nutrients to keep your brain alert. 1. Blueberries: These potent little berries are very […]

by July 7, 2018
Turmeric may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis

Turmeric may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis

Turmeric may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis The benefits of most potent spice in the world keeps coming.  According to a new study, turmeric may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis. Turmeric is one of the most potent healing spices in the world. It is one the most researched plants in the world. […]

by July 6, 2018
Can graviola kill cancer?

Can graviola kill cancer?

Graviola or Soursop fruit seems to be a miraculous fruit. Other common names for it include: guanábana (Spanish), graviola (Portuguese), corossol (French), sorsaka (Papiamento), adunu (Acholi), Brazilian pawpaw, guyabano, guanavana, toge-banreisi, durian benggala, nangka blanda, sirsak, zuurzak and nangka londa. In Malayalam, it is called mullaatha, literally ‘thorny custard apple.” […]

by June 30, 2018
Rhodiola’s mega health benefits

Rhodiola’s mega health benefits

Rhodiola Rosea, also known as “Arctic Root” or “Golden Root” is an herb native to Asia and has been used medicinally in regions around the world for centuries. Let’s look at Rhodiola’s mega health benefits and why it is often called nature’s antidepressant: Antioxidant effects: Rhodiola behaves as a powerful antioxidant […]

by June 22, 2018
As seen on Dr Oz almond butter to super charge your sleep

As seen on Dr Oz almond butter to super charge your sleep

As seen on Dr Oz almond butter to super charge your sleep. Take a healthy step at bedtime. The Buzz is out and Almond Butter should become an essential part of our diet. Dr. Oz showed the nation how we can achieve great results by Super charging our body. One of the […]

by June 19, 2018