
Hershey to ban GMOs from products

Hershey to ban GMOs from products

Following Nestlé’s announcement to ban artificial ingredients from their products, a press release was released stating the intentions of Hershey to ban GMOs from their products. The Hershey will ban GMOs from popular products like Kisses and Hershey’s Milk Chocolate by the end of 2015. “We all want and deserve […]

by February 25, 2015
Nestlé to ban artificial coloring from products

Nestlé to ban artificial coloring from products

Nestlé, one of America’s most popular candy companies is changing the way they make their products. A press release states the intentions of Nestlé to ban artificial coloring from their candy. This announcement will change about 250 current chocolate products, and 75 recipes. They will get rid of food colorings […]

by February 24, 2015
Licorice protects skin from UV rays

Licorice protects skin from UV rays

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and it goes under a lot of stress daily. UV radiation is an environmental factor that can affect the skin, and can even cause genetic mutations that lead to skin cancer, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. A new German […]

by February 23, 2015
Highly processed foods are addictive

Highly processed foods are addictive

Fresh and organic foods are key to optimal health. Processed foods, however, can be hard to avoid. A new study from University of Michigan shows that highly processed foods are addictive, which explains why they are so hard to avoid. Foods like chocolate, pizza, and French fries are among the […]

by February 22, 2015
Rivers and antibiotic resistance: Is there a connection?

Rivers and antibiotic resistance: Is there a connection?

Rivers may be part of the antibiotic resistance epidemic. University of Warwick School of Life Sciences and University of Exeter Medical School scientists made this discovery while studying the Thames River. The research team found that large amounts of resistant bacteria live nearby to waste water treatment centers. These facilities […]

by February 20, 2015
How red meat feeds tumors

How red meat feeds tumors

Eating red meat has been linked to some types of cancers in humans. University of California, San Diego (UCSD) set out to investigate a sugar in red meat called Neu5Gc, and how red meat feeds tumors. Neu5Gc is found in most mammals, but not humans. UCSD scientists found that feeding […]

by February 17, 2015
Is napping a good thing?

Is napping a good thing?

Is napping a good thing? According to research conducted by the Endocrine Society, it can help strengthen the immune system and acts as a stress reliever as well. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that insufficient sleep is now a public health epidemic. The CDC also notes […]

by February 16, 2015
Milk thistle fights brain tumors

Milk thistle fights brain tumors

Cushing Disease is caused by a tumor in the brain, which is usually benign (non-cancerous). According to Medline Plus: “With Cushing disease, the pituitary gland releases too much ACTH. ACTH stimulates production and release of cortisol, a stress hormone. Too much ACTH causes the adrenal glands to make too much […]

by February 15, 2015