
Credit: © artmim / Fotolia

5 best ways to increase hair growth naturally

Baldness and hair loss are common conditions. Losing one’s hair can lower one’s confidence.  As we age our follicles are a little lazy and need a boost. Let’s take a look at the 5 best ways to increase hair growth naturally. Eggs: Our hair is made up of 70% keratin protein. […]

by November 30, 2017
Credit: © healthylaura.com / Fotolia

How many grams of healthy fats should you eat per day?

How many grams of healthy fats should you eat per day? This is an important question today, as the benefits of healthy fats are in the spotlight. Recently, a UC Davis study found that a diet high in healthy fats may increase lifespan, while improving memory and reducing inflammation. Some […]

by November 7, 2017
Credit: © Denira / Fotolia

Autumn bone health carrot and pumpkin juice

This autumn bone health carrot and pumpkin juice is packed with seasonal ingredients that strengthen and build our bones. The two most important nutrients for bone building are vitamin D and calcium, and this juice provides both. According to Health, “Calcium supports your bones and teeth structure, while vitamin D […]

by September 30, 2017
Credit: © Ana Maria Tegzes / Fotolia

Can probiotics help prevent and treat colon cancer?

There is mounting evidence that adding probiotics to your diet will not only boost your immune system, but also fight inflammation, skin disorders,  aid with your digestion, help you reach optimum health and even lower your blood pressure. Eat more fermented foods and Kefir for a good source of probiotics. […]

by September 15, 2017
Credit: © aidart / Fotolia

Menopause symptom-relieving beet and parsley juice

This menopause symptom-relieving beet and parsley juice is packed with alkaline foods that can help with hot flashes, irritability, and sleep problems. According to Mayo Clinic: Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this menopause symptom-relieving beet and parsley juice. Carrots: Carrots are full of fiber, which can […]

by September 6, 2017
Credit: © Peter / Fotolia

Chocolate may prevent and treat diabetes

Chocolate may prevent and treat diabetes, according to the latest research from Brigham Young University. Chocolate may be the secret to improving brain function, according to new research from Italy. Looks like chocolate is more than just a sweet treat. Dark chocolate (organic and at least 70% cacao) is widely considered […]

by August 30, 2017
Credit: © morissfoto / Fotolia

Cannabinoids from omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation

Cannabinoids from omega-3 fatty acids fight inflammation, according to the latest research from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Medical marijuana is increasing in popularity as a treatment for many conditions, including eating disorders, cancers, and pain. It is becoming legal in more and more states. With marijuana being more widely accepted in the […]

by July 29, 2017
Credit: © pinkomelet / Fotolia

Natural painkiller carrot and turmeric juice

This natural painkiller carrot and turmeric juice is packed with some of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods in the world. One of the major causes of pain is inflammation. The ingredients in this juice like turmeric, ginger and carrots help reduce inflammation and therefore can help relieve pain. Let’s take […]

by July 23, 2017