Articles by: Stepy

Protein in breakfast prevents blood sugar spikes

Protein in breakfast prevents blood sugar spikes

Persons with type 2 diabetes have a difficult time managing their blood sugar levels. New research from the University of Missouri shows that high protein in breakfast prevents blood sugar spikes. “People often assume that their glucose response at one meal will be identical to their responses at other meals, […]

by May 13, 2015
Coffee acts as an antioxidant

Coffee acts as an antioxidant

Coffee is a huge part of the American lifestyle, and has lately been the subject of exciting health research. Scientists are just beginning to understand the health benefits of coffee. New research from Monash University shows that coffee acts as an antioxidant. The research team from Monash first observed the […]

by May 12, 2015
U.S. government recommends less fluoride in water

U.S. government recommends less fluoride in water

After over 50 years, the U.S. government has broached the subject of lowering fluoride levels in water again. Since 1962, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has been recommending that public water contain 0.7 to 1.2 mg of fluoride per liter. Now, the U.S. government recommends less fluoride […]

by May 11, 2015
Common pesticides attract bees and kill them

Common pesticides attract bees and kill them

According to Beyond Pesticides, “Neonicotinoids are a relatively new class of insecticides that share a common mode of action that affect the central nervous system of insects, resulting in paralysis and death.” Recently, these pesticides are being suspected as a major cause for the widespread collapses of bee colonies. The […]

by May 10, 2015
Panera Bread to remove 150 artificial ingredients

Panera Bread to remove 150 artificial ingredients

Panera Bread is changing its ingredients for the better. A new list dubbed as the “No-No List” states the intentions of Panera Bread to remove 150 artificial ingredients by the end of 2016. The restaurant wants to set a new standard for healthier foods for customers. In an interview with […]

by May 6, 2015
Kraft removes artificial colors from Mac & Cheese

Kraft removes artificial colors from Mac & Cheese

This is the last year that one of the most popular mac and cheese products in the U.S. will contain artificial preservatives and synthetic colors. Kraft announced that they will remove artificial colors from Mac & Cheese along with preservatives. Starting January 2016, the orange color of Kraft Mac & […]

by May 4, 2015
BPA exposure may affect fertility

BPA exposure may affect fertility

BPA exposure may affect fertility. BPA has been linked to many health problems, including autism. New animal research from the University of Illinois shows that BPA exposure affects three generations of fertility. BPA, or bisphenol A, is an industrial chemical that is used to make certain types of plastics and […]

by May 3, 2015
The Spirit of Berkeley Alive Almond Cookies Giveaway

The Spirit of Berkeley Alive Almond Cookies Giveaway

The Spirit of Berkeley Alive Almond Cookies giveaway comes from Living Tree Community Foods (LTCF). Made of the purest ingredients such as Oregon blueberries, California almonds, Oregon grown pumpkin seeds, California walnuts as well as honey and maple syrup The Spirit of Berkeley Alive Almond cookies are an alive and organic product. “They are an excellent […]

by May 1, 2015