Ovarian health drink

Ovarian health drink

The American Cancer Society estimates for Ovarian cancer  in the United States for 2013 are:

About 22,240 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is the ninth most common cancer among women, excluding non-melanoma skin cancers.

This cancer is discovered in women at advanced stages, which is associated with poor survival. According to the American Cancer Society, there are many risk factors such as age or family history and lifestyle factors, such as diet.

Adopting  more of a plant based balanced diet is key to ovarian health.

Eat more of the following:

1. Carrots & tomatoes

They contain lycopene, which is has cancer-blocking capabilities.

2. Celery and parsley
According to a study led by Margaret Gates, ScD of the Harvard School of Public Health, celery may be able to prevent ovarian cancer. It contains apigenin, which eliminates free radicals known to cause ovarian cancer.


3. Collard greens: They are rich phyto-nutrients with powerful anti-cancer properties, such as di-indolyl-methane (DIM) and sulforaphane that have proven benefits against breast, cervical,  and ovarian cancers.

Ovarian health drink:


1 Apple

4 Carrots

1 handful fresh cilantro or parsley

1 cup kale

1/2 cup collard greens

Drink immediately.

You can drink this juice on a regular basis once a day


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For an ovarian cancer detailed guide.

Tea and citrus products may lower ovarian cancer risk.


American Cancer Society: “Ovarian cancer key statistics” N.p., n.d. Web o3 March 2013

Gilda Radner Familial Ovarian Cancer Registry.

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