Lower your energy bill during the summer

Lower your energy bill during the summer

Take a green step and honor Mother Earth each and every day.

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Summer is in full gear and temperatures are soaring.

Lower your energy bill during the summer

1. Use a fan instead of air conditioning.

A fan uses less energy than a conventional air conditioning, plus it produces no fluorocarbons.

It also requires less energy to manufacture.

2. When you cook open your windows for natural ventilation.

3. Close your curtains during the day to create insulation.

4. Open your windows at night to create air flow.

5. Change all your light bulbs and opt for LED. Compared to incandescent and CFL bulbs, LED lights are more efficient at turning energy into light.

6. Use motion-detector lights for all outdoor lighting.

7. Use timers to turn lights.

Your wallet will thank you!

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