Credit: © noirchocolate / Fotolia

Credit: © noirchocolate / Fotolia

Turmeric mint spring detox juice

This turmeric mint spring detox juice is full of fresh and vibrant foods that will help get rid of toxins in the body and will jumpstart your spring in a healthy way.

Spring has officially sprung. For many, it is a favorite season – full of beautiful colors and new life. We love to eat healthy and detox in every season.

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients in this turmeric mint spring detox juice.

They are packed with antioxidants, which are important for our overall health. Don’t forget to eat one a day to keep the doctor away!

These deliciously orange vegetables are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is a potent infection fighting antioxidant and immune booster.

This potent herb helps improve digestion and gets rid of toxins the gut. A study published in the journal Metabolism shows that ginger helps reduce feelings of hunger, so you eat less and lose weight.

These tangy citrus fruits have diuretic properties, meaning they help flush out toxins through urine.

You may not have thought of mint as an appetite suppressant, but it is. Not only will it give the water a refreshing flavor it will stop food cravings too.

The superspice has antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties, and has shown benefits in the area of breast cancer prevention, cold and flu, heart health, and Alzheimer’s.


Process the following ingredients in a juicer:

3 large carrots
1/2 a lemon, peeled
1 apple
3 mint leaves
1 inch piece of ginger
1 inch piece of fresh turmeric root

Make sure ingredients are organic
Enjoy this turmeric mint spring detox juice!

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

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