Antibiotics are detrimental to breast-feeding benefits

Antibiotics are detrimental to breast-feeding benefits

Antibiotics are detrimental to breast-feeding benefits

Antibiotics are detrimental to breast-feeding benefits, according to new research from the University of Helsinki in Finland.

The researchers found that antibiotics are detrimental to breast-feeding benefits because babies who were prescribed the medications were more susceptible to infections and obesity.

In breast milk, unlike in formula milk, the infant receives bacteria from the mother and specific sugar components that promote the growth of certain [gut] bacteria,” explained lead researcher Katri Korpela, from the immunobiology research program at the University of Helsinki in Finland.

The findings showed that changes in intestinal bacteria were responsible for the effects of antibiotics on breast-feeding benefits.

The study could not prove a direct link between the antibiotics and higher risk of obesity and infection, however.

But by breast-feeding, the mother guides the development of the infant’s microbiota,” she said. “Antibiotic use disrupts the natural microbiota development, which appears important for the development of the infant’s metabolism and immune system.”

Another health expert agreed

Early use of antibiotics unfavorably modifies intestinal microflora [gut bacteria], and this may have lifetime consequences, even in those babies who receive a long duration breast-feeding,” said Dr. Pietro Vajro, a professor of pediatric gastroenterology at the University of Salerno in Italy. He was part of an editorial that went along with the study.

Changes in intestinal bacteria can influence obesity because the bacteria handles the way food is processed and feeling of satiety, or fullness.

Such dysfunction may cause a chronic inflammation in the bloodstream that is characteristic not only of obesity, but also of a number of obesity-related conditions, such as fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome,” Vajro said.

The study showing that antibiotics are detrimental to breast-feeding benefits was published in JAMA Pediatrics.

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1. “Antibiotics May Blunt Breast-Feeding’s Benefits.” WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 17 June 2016.
2. “Association of Breastfeeding and Antibiotic Use.” JAMA Pediatrics. JAMA Network, n.d. Web. 17 June 2016.

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