The reason why you are still single

The reason why you are still single

The reason why you are still single….

After being flooded with requests, we decided to take a look into the truth behind being single as a choice.

Many reasons come to mind:

Maybe you are too independent, happy being with yourself, and enjoy it?

Maybe you lead a fulfilling life, surrounded by friends and a job that fills your time?

Maybe you enjoy your independence.

Maybe you like sleeping deeply without someone snoring by your side:-),  and this little imperfection bothers you.

Maybe, just maybe you like yourself too much and nobody is good enough?

Maybe you like the newness, excitement of dating and the new territory to explore.

There are many maybes….and the list could go on and on …

Do take a few minutes, stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself this powerful question:

[pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#228B22″ class=”” size=”17″]Am I happy with my life now?[/pullquote]

If your answer is YES:  then you are single by choice! Maybe deep down you actually want to be single and are not giving a full chance to the people you meet in your life.

If the answer is NO: Ask yourself:  Am I available emotionally and physically? Sit, take a deep breath and try to find what is blocking you from opening yourself to all the opportunities out there.

Meditation is also a great option to find out, as you will let go, surrender, and discover the true you.

[pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#228B22″ class=”” size=”17″]”You will end your war with your mind.” Adyashanti[/pullquote]

There is someone for you and you just have to allow yourself to find him/her.

Nowadays online dating is a favorite for busy people, but you must use caution. ( We will cover this topic soon). 

Dating online is like fishing in the ocean: The beautiful ocean is full of fish, yet you need to invest time with the fish you catch, to find out if it is one worth keeping.

To a  Happy YOU! 

Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.

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