Health benefits of apricots

Health benefits of apricots

 Apricots are orange colored fruits with skin described as velvety and smooth. Mix a peach and a plum, and you get the taste of an apricot. Besides their great taste, they also provide a variety of health benefits. Let’s tale a look at the health benefits of apricots: Potassium: Potassium […]

by June 9, 2021
Credit: © Nelly Kovalchuk / Fotolia

Alkalizing apple cider watermelon juice

This alkalizing apple cider watermelon juice is packed with ingredient that will help keep your body pH in check, which is essential to good health. Did you know that your body has a pH? It’s true! Keeping your body in an alkaline state is one of the keys to preventing chronic diseases and […]

by June 8, 2021
Protein smoothie

Protein smoothie

Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body. They are part of every cell , tissue, and organ in our bodies. They are always in the process of being broken down and replaced. The proteins that we get from our diet are converted to amino acids and are used to […]

by May 21, 2021
10 reasons to eat dark chocolate

10 reasons to eat dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is quickly becoming a superfood. Organic extra dark chocolate (at least 70% cacao) is packed with nutrition. There are so many reasons to eat dark chocolate. It is important to eat the right kind of chocolate, as some are loaded with sugar or artificial ingredients. Dutched chocolate should […]

by May 20, 2021
Credit: © alexmak / Fotolia

The many health benefits of super herb schizandra

There are so many health benefits of super herb schizandra. Let’s learn more about this powerful ancient Chinese plant. The schisandra berry has been used for over 3000 years in traditional Chinese medicine. It is a class of herbs that help the body fight stress and lower stress hormones in […]

by May 19, 2021
10 reasons to eat chia seeds

10 reasons to eat chia seeds

For hundreds of years, chia seeds were a major part of Mayan and Aztec diets. They are being rediscovered for their impressive health benefits and great variety of nutrition. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons to eat chia seeds. 1. Anti-inflammatory properties: The omega-3 fatty acids in chia seeds […]

by May 18, 2021
5 best home remedies for dog allergies

5 best home remedies for dog allergies

Spring doesn’t just mean allergies for humans; it also affects our furry little pet friends. Is your dog scratching himself or herself against the carpet to try and relieve their itching? If so, this article is for you. Please make sure to consult your pet’s veterinarian before attempting to treat […]

by May 18, 2021
Iced apple lemonade for a slimmer summer body

Iced apple lemonade for a slimmer summer body

This iced apple lemonade for a slimmer summer body recipe is a perfect drink to help you lose weight. The ingredients, like lemon of course, will help flush out toxins from your body and act as natural diuretics. The apples are high in pectin fiber, which helps keep you full […]

by May 17, 2021