Credit: © AlenKadr / Fotolia

Eating walnuts helps make your gut bacteria healthy

Eating walnuts helps make your gut bacteria healthy, according to the latest research from LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine. Why is your gut so important? Besides digesting food and making it useable for the body, the gut is also key to keeping you healthy. Science has shown that […]

by April 2, 2020
Top 5 fermented foods for gut health

Top 5 fermented foods for gut health

The gut, also called the gastrointestinal tract is the stomach and the intestines. They are the crucial parts of our digestive systems. The Gut flora is a complex ecological system formed by indigenous prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial cells in the digestive tracts. They are our 24/7 fighting Soldiers for optimum […]

by April 1, 2020
Credit: © Dipali S / Fotolia

Potent gut healing probiotic turmeric kefir tea

 Ward off viruses with our potent gut healing turmeric kefir tea: Kefir is one of the newest health crazes that is sweeping the nation. This potent gut healing probiotic turmeric kefir tea will refresh the all-important intestinal tract. Why is your gut so important? Besides digesting food and making it […]

by March 31, 2020
Gut smoothie

Gut smoothie

Ward off viruses and boost your immune system with our gut smoothie to help feed your little soldiers (as we like to call them). The gut, also called the gastrointestinal tract is the stomach and the intestines. They are the crucial parts of our digestive systems. 80 percent of our […]

by March 30, 2020
Probiotic smoothie

Probiotic smoothie

A probiotic smoothie to boost your immune system and feed your gut. What are probiotics? “Probiotics are live microorganisms (in most cases, bacteria) that are similar to the beneficial microorganisms naturally found in the human gut”, states Dr. Oz . These good bacteria have shown benefits in weight loss and […]

by March 29, 2020
Apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide bacteria & virus killer

Apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide bacteria & virus killer

Apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide bacteria & virus killer: This apple cider vinegar and hydrogen peroxide bacteria and virus killer will disinfect your surfaces naturally, keeping the house safe for you and your family against any viruses. Apple cider vinegar, known as cider vinegar or ACV, is a type of vinegar made […]

by March 28, 2020
Health benefits of kombucha

Health benefits of kombucha

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Chinese discovered kombucha, which they named “immortal health elixir” for its many health benefits. Kombucha is a mix of bacteria and yeast. To this day, the health benefits of Kombucha have been regarded as potent and almost miraculous. “Kombucha, which is also known as […]

by March 26, 2020
Turmeric boosts the immune system and fights chronic diseases

Turmeric boosts the immune system and fights chronic diseases

Turmeric, also known as the “Indian solid gold” gets its nickname not only because of its gold color, but for the fact that it is worth its weight in gold when it comes to health benefits. Turmeric remains one the most researched plants in the world. Its medicinal properties have […]

by March 25, 2020