Omega-3s make your heart happy

Omega-3s make your heart happy

In keeping with heart health month, we wanted to bring some promising news to you. Omega-3s are clinically proven to reduce the risk of “sudden cardiac death. Sudden cardiac death (SCD) usually occurs because a person’s heart rhythms go awry, causing the heart to stop pumping. The immediate cause of SCD […]

by February 21, 2013
Pong iPhone rugged case

Pong iPhone rugged case

Say hello to the rugged case from PongTM . Pong™ is a mobile device technology company. It specializes in mobile phone and iPad covers that protect users from the potentially harmful effects of radiation exposure. The company just released yet another new phone cover named the rugged case.  Pong’s cases have been proven […]

by February 12, 2013
Maca powder libido enhancer tea

Maca powder libido enhancer tea

Maca is often called “nature’s viagra” for both men and women and is known to boost energy. This Maca powder libido enhancer tea will also reduce anxiety. A win-win! Peruvian Maca powder tea is potent. Maca is a plant native to the high Andes of Peru. It is part of the mustard […]

by February 6, 2013
New study shows probiotics may aid with weight loss

New study shows probiotics may aid with weight loss

Probiotics are well known for their digestive health benefits. We saw how they can help boost our immune system and their ability to fight colds. There is new evidence that probiotics may be able to help lose weight. There are hormones in our bodies called ghrelin and leptin. These hormones […]

by February 5, 2013
Berries may reduce heart attack risk in women

Berries may reduce heart attack risk in women

Berries are known for their potent antioxidant properties and their superfood status. New studies are showing that berries may be very effective for preventing heart attacks in women. The new analysis found that young and middle-aged women who ate three or more servings of blueberries and/or strawberries per week cut […]

by February 3, 2013
Vitamin D may combat daytime fatigue

Vitamin D may combat daytime fatigue

Sleep deprivation is becoming an epidemic in the United States and across the world. With the “sleep is overrated” culture, working into the late hours of the night is becoming a more common practice. Sleep deprivation affects the quality of your day and leads to fatigue. It can also cause […]

by January 19, 2013
Green giveaway: Yukon Gold bee pollen

Green giveaway: Yukon Gold bee pollen

Our giveaway this month is the Yukon Gold bee pollen from Living Tree Community Foods. Bee pollen is nourishing and extremely alkalizing food. It boosts the immune system, increases energy and is extremely high in antioxidant activity. It has has a rich flavor and can be added to fresh juices, smoothies or […]

by January 18, 2013
Is Vitamin D an anti-cancer agent?

Is Vitamin D an anti-cancer agent?

Connections between vitamin D and reducing cancer are being discovered more and more every year. These connections are particularly strong for colon cancer, breast cancer and leukemia. As researchers found earlier this year, “vitamin D participates in cell growth regulation, apoptosis and cell differentiation. In addition, it has been implicated in […]

by January 15, 2013