9 essentials for happy children

9 essentials for happy children

Children seem to be free and happy. They don’t have to go to work, pay bills, cook and deal with the things that normal adults do. Yet, deep inside children do worry and it results in stress. They worry about fitting in at school, dealing with homework, succeeding in athletics, […]

by September 27, 2013
Top 10 foods you must eat organic

Top 10 foods you must eat organic

Here is the list of the top 10 foods you must eat organic. Discerning which foods to eat organic or not eat organic is becoming more of a task these days. Most us remain confused. Cost is also a concern. For nine years now, The Environmental Working Group has been […]

by September 22, 2013
Baking soda cinnamon air freshener

Baking soda cinnamon air freshener

 As we saw, most conventional air fresheners contain chemicals  such as formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, 1,4 dichlorobenzene and aerosol propellants. These chemicals are linked to skin and upper respiratory allergies and may lead to serious diseases. Formaldehyde is classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. […]

by September 16, 2013
Lavender baking soda air freshener

Lavender baking soda air freshener

Most conventional air fresheners contain basic chemicals  such as formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, 1,4 dichlorobenzene and aerosol propellants. These chemicals are linked to skin and upper respiratory allergies and may lead to serious diseases Formaldehyde is classified as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Phthalates are […]

by September 14, 2013
5 reasons to re-think using your microwave

5 reasons to re-think using your microwave

Microwave defines functionality at its best. You just put the food in it, program the time needed, and in the blink of an eye you have a meal. Microwaves have become a predominant device in many households, as very few people have time or “take the time” to cook a […]

by September 9, 2013
Is milk good for you?

Is milk good for you?

Cow’s milk has been consumed for thousands of years, and has been touted as a healthy drink for strong bones and teeth, amongst many other benefits. Ever since we were kids, most of our parents made us drink milk at least once a day. As scientists and researchers dig deeper […]

by September 7, 2013
Bee-friendly gardens may be killing our treasured bees

Bee-friendly gardens may be killing our treasured bees

Have you heard of bee-friendly gardens? Maybe you even have one. A new study was recently published showing that gardeners who are planting “bee-friendly” gardens may actually be harming bees more than helping them. Two environmental group called Friends of the Earth, and the Pesticide Research Institute conduced a study. […]

by September 6, 2013
Alive and organic chia seed butter giveaway

Alive and organic chia seed butter giveaway

Our giveaway this month is thealive and organic chia seed butter  from Living Tree Community Foods. This deliciously butter is made of the purest of ingredients: Organic Chia Seeds, Organic Sesame Seeds, Black Sesame Oil, Organic Honey and a dash of Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt. This is a high energy […]

by September 4, 2013