Eating more probiotics may lower your blood pressure

Eating more probiotics may lower your blood pressure

Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. Fresh organic foods are packed with antioxidants and unique nutrients that can keep your immune system in top shape. The nutrients in these organic foods can also help prevent and treat disease. Probiotics are good bacteria that are famous for being a […]

by August 1, 2014
Organic olive oil flavored with crimson oranges giveaway

Organic olive oil flavored with crimson oranges giveaway

Our giveaway this month is the organic olive oil flavored with crimson oranges from Living Tree Community Foods. The oil has a unique summery, citrusy and refreshing flavor. The olives and the oranges are co-milled to bring you an exceptional product. Co-milling results in a higher quality product and is very […]

by August 1, 2014
Aquasana Powered Water Filtration System giveaway and only pitcher filter on the market to remove 96% of chlorine

Aquasana Powered Water Filtration System giveaway and only pitcher filter on the market to remove 96% of chlorine

Aquasana Powered Water Filtration System is the only pitcher filter on the market to remove 96% of chlorine.  In 2010, the Presidents Cancer Council recommended to filter water as one of the top three recommendations to reduce environmentally caused cancers. Please keep in mind that only 91 contaminants are regulated […]

by August 1, 2014
Top 5 fat-burning foods

Top 5 fat-burning foods

Our motto is: Eating organic foods is key to optimal health. Fresh organic foods are packed with antioxidants and unique nutrients that can keep your immune system in top shape. The nutrients in these organic foods can also help prevent & treat disease, and help us lose weight. There are […]

by July 29, 2014
Fruit and vegetable wash giveaway

Fruit and vegetable wash giveaway

Our  giveaway this time is: The fruit and vegetable wash from Earth Friendly Products. It is essential to wash your veggies and fruits to remove wax, chemicals, dirt and toxic pesticides. Made with the purest of ingredients this wash is  gentle, non-toxic, biodegradable and chemical-free. Your food will taste the way […]

by July 29, 2014
Eating red meat may increase risk of breast cancer

Eating red meat may increase risk of breast cancer

Like we always say, eating organic foods is key to optimal health. Fresh organic foods are packed with antioxidants and unique nutrients that can keep the immune system in top shape. The nutrients in these organic foods can also help prevent and treat disease. We have seen how processed meats increase […]

by July 28, 2014
Trees may save your life and help you breathe better

Trees may save your life and help you breathe better

Healthy living is a life style. It is about the environment you live in, the hair and skin care you use, the food you eat and water you drink. Environment is a huge part of healthy living, and the healthy steps you take to make your environment healthier will not […]

by July 27, 2014
Why you should drink coffee before working out

Why you should drink coffee before working out

Eating real foods, organic foods and drinking organic healthy beverages is key to reaching optimal health. Organic tea has always been considered the drink of choice, yet coffee has been the subject of much controversy in the health world. Things are changing and several studies are now showing that drinking organic […]

by July 26, 2014