Brain warping effects of cell phones

Brain warping effects of cell phones

Cell phones have become an integral part of our society. They are a great way of staying in touch with our loved ones and being more efficient in our work and day-to-day tasks. However, there are negative effects with cell phones. Mobile phones do emit radiation, and a new study […]

by July 27, 2015
Could probiotics be the new treatment for rosacea?

Could probiotics be the new treatment for rosacea?

Probiotics are microogranisms, often called ‘good bacteria.’ They are found in various fresh and fermented foods. Probiotics are believed to be essential to digestive and gut health because they maintain and balance essential bacteria in the digestive tract. They are well known to have potent digestive, immune system, and weight […]

by July 26, 2015
6 most common causes of fatigue

6 most common causes of fatigue

Do you feel tired all the time? It could be because of the busy lifestyle in America that causes us to work extra hours, and to always be on the go. However, fatigue may stem from other reasons that can be managed. Let’s take a look at the 10 most […]

by July 25, 2015
Food safety expert explains what food labels really mean

Food safety expert explains what food labels really mean

Food labels can be confusing and sometimes deceiving. It is important to be armed with knowledge of what labels like “organic,” “natural” and “local” when going to the supermarket so you know which products to buy, according to Kansas State University food safety specialist Londa Nwadike. She explains in a […]

by July 23, 2015
Asparagus help fight high blood pressure

Asparagus help fight high blood pressure

There are so many reasons to eat asparagus. They are a great source of antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin E and vitamin C. Antioxidants help reduce the damage of free radicals, which are known to cause disease. Asparagus are also rich in B-vitamins, and anti-inflammatory compounds like asparanin A, sarsasapogenin, protodioscin, […]

by July 22, 2015
Raw honey contains probiotics that boost the immune system

Raw honey contains probiotics that boost the immune system

Raw honey is one of nature’s most valuable treasures. As its name states, raw honey is not pasteurized, not filtered, unaltered, unprocessed, and harvested directly from the honeycomb to your pantry, courtesy of nature’s little honeybees. Besides being delicious, long lasting, and a healthier alternative to sugar or artificial sweeteners, […]

by July 20, 2015
Allergen-free peanuts are on their way

Allergen-free peanuts are on their way

Peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies. Peanuts can cause severe allergic reactions, which can be potentially fatal. It is advised that persons with peanut allergy must carry an epinephrine auto-injector to avoid anaphylactic shock. Make sure to read labels carefully if you have a peanut allergy. […]

by July 19, 2015
5 ways to supercharge red blood cell health

5 ways to supercharge red blood cell health

Red blood cells are very important to overall health, as they carry fresh oxygen throughout the entire body. Oxygen is the most important nutrient for the body, and is more essential than even food and water to survive. The oxygen is what makes the blood red in color. Red blood […]

by July 18, 2015