Cold and flu thyme steam bath

Cold and flu thyme steam bath

This cold and flu thyme steam bath will help treat congestion and provide instant relief. Chest and nasal congestion are conditions that are often caused by cold and flu. During the flu and cold season you may get congestion symptoms. Healthy living is about using nature’s given remedies. Let’s take a look […]

by January 5, 2021
Bad breath fighter juice

Bad breath fighter juice

The Bad Breath Fighter We have seen how a healthy mouth is key to good health. But you must not neglect your breath. One of the major signs of a healthy mouth is good breath. If you are struggling with bad breath, you can take some steps such as oil […]

by January 4, 2021
Homemade baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste

Homemade baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste

Homemade baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste Coconut oil has a variety of medicinal benefits. Keeping on top of your oral hygiene is key to good health. Many health experts believe that a lot of diseases start in the mouth. The great thing about this homemade baking soda and coconut oil […]

by January 3, 2021
Turmeric carrot detox juice

Turmeric carrot detox juice

The human body is exposed to toxins every day, through environmental factors, food, water, and more. These toxins can enter the body and the bloodstream, where they slow digestion, cause weight gain, and promote chronic diseases. This is why it is crucial to detoxify and get rid of toxins in […]

by December 30, 2020
Potent detox and immune boosting apple celery juice

Potent detox and immune boosting apple celery juice

This potent detox and immune boosting apple celery smoothie is a great daily juice to ward off viruses, and help boost your immune system. With the Coronavirus upon us it is key to feed our gut the right foods. It is crucial to avoid processed foods, sodas and sugars that […]

by December 29, 2020
Why you should eat kale and cilantro to detox

Why you should eat kale and cilantro to detox

The human body is exposed to toxins every day, through environmental factors, food, water, and more. These toxins can enter the body and the bloodstream, where they slow digestion, cause weight gain, and promote chronic diseases. This is why it is crucial to detoxify and get rid of toxins in […]

by December 27, 2020
Morning detox and energy booster

Morning detox and energy booster

Morning detox and energy booster This morning detox and energy booster drink is an amazing way to start the day. Your first line of defense against toxins is your liver. It works like a filter by preventing toxic substances contained in foods from passing in our blood stream. It is […]

by December 24, 2020
Credit: © cegli / Fotolia

5 best healthy foods to help induce sleep

We are giving you the 5 best healthy foods to help induce sleep, so you don’t have to rely on supplements or sleeping pills anymore. Sleep disorders have become an epidemic in the United States. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute reports that “an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans have chronic […]

by December 23, 2020