Best tips on how to enhance turmeric absorption and boost its benefits

Best tips on how to enhance turmeric absorption and boost its benefits

  • We have seen how amazing the benefits of turmeric are.
  • Turmeric is one the most researched plants in the world.
  • Its medicinal properties have been the subject of over 6000 peer-reviewed and published biomedical studies.
  • It is armed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which fight diseases like Alzheimer’s and common cancer.
  • It is truly a superstar spice, and new studies show that it can even kill multiple myeloma cells.
  • Most people when they read about the health benefits of turmeric on the internet or hear about it through a friend, they buy a supplement and start taking it.
  • Simply taking turmeric may still provide health benefits, but it will not provide the full benefits unless it is taken properly.
  • Turmeric is fat-soluble, which means that it doesn’t fully dissolve unless it is in fat. No fat, means no dissolving of curcumin, which is the active ingredient in turmeric.
  • When it doesn’t dissolve properly, curcumin has a tough time getting into the gut, which is where most of the immune system lives. “80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major focal point if you want to maintain optimal health,” explains Dr. Joseph Mercola.
  • How do you get the most out of turmeric?
  • TIPS: 
  • 1. Try drinking raw turmeric milk. This recipe combines turmeric with the healthy fats in almonds to make it more potent.
  • 2. Sprinkle some organic turmeric powder on to an avocado. This helps the body absorb turmeric because avocados are full of healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids.
  • 3. Combine turmeric with black pepper. You can do so in salad dressing, juice, smoothie and soup recipe.
  • Dr. Andrew Weil, recommends to combine turmeric with black pepper: “Neither curcumin nor turmeric taken orally is well absorbed unless taken with black pepper or piperine, a constituent of black pepper responsible for its pungency. When shopping for supplements, make sure that the one you choose contains black pepper extract or piperine.
  • 4. Mix turmeric in with a few teaspoons of coconut oil and add it to your favorite smoothie, juice or soup recipe
  • 5. Combine turmeric with organic olive oil. Use it as a deliciously healthy salad dressing.
  • Note: None of the information in our website is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. The content on our website is for educational purposes only.
  • New study shows turmeric kills multiple myeloma cells. 
  • For the health benefits of turmeric.
  • For a turmeric milk recipe.
  • 1. “How to Optimize Turmeric Absorption for Super-Boosted Benefits.” Natural Society. Natural Society, 17 Sept. 2013. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
  • 2. “Curcumin or Turmeric?” WEIL, 28 Apr. 2011. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.
  • 3. “Probiotics Found to Help Your Gut’s Immune System.”, 05 July 2008. Web. 17 Mar. 2014.



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