Stepy —
August 24, 2020
- Summer is here and we need cockroach repellents to come to the rescue.
- We all do not like to find cockroaches in our kitchen and home. Cockroaches can enter the home from the outside through cracks and crevices, vents, sewer and drain pipes. Our home is an ideal breeding ground for them.
- They look for food, warmth, water and nesting sites.
- These are our favorite cockroach repellents.
- You must be aggressive and combining these tips will do the trick!
- Cockroaches hate Tea tree oil, mint, bay leaves, and cucumbers.
- 1. Add 25 drops of mint essential oil in 1 cup of water. Put the solution a spray bottle.
- Spray under kitchen cabinets, cracks, hard to reach areas and doors. Repeat once a week.
- 2. Place bay leaves in your pantry, kitchen cabinets and closets.
- 3. Rub tea tree essential oil on shelves, baseboards and infested area. Add end of cucumbers at corners of room and shelves until cucumbers are shriveled.
- 4. Sprinkle Diatomaceous dirt in cracks and holes.
- 5. Cockroach trap: Get the roaches drunk. Fill about a quarter of an old bottle with beer and add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Leave in infested area. Replace when full of cockroaches. The stale beer is a cockroach attractant similar to the pheromones they use to signal each other for food. Once they fall into the bottle, they will not be able to escape. The beer is safe for pets and children.
- NOTE: Keep your house as clean as possible. Vacuum daily. Mop floors daily with 1 part white distilled vinegar and 5 parts warm water. (until cockroaches are gone).
- We recommend Mountain Rose Herbs as a reputable source for essential oils and spices.
- For a spider repellent recipe.
- For the best ant repellent recipe.
- For the best centipedes repellent.
- For the best mosquito spray repellent.